
Certificate 3 in Fitness
Senior First Aid Certificate
Fitness Australia Registration
Currently studying Certificate 4 in Fitness

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Comparison splice by Tara


So I said I would wait a few months until I would post a before photo. Well stuff it, since Tara did such a wonderful job of splicing my photo, I would post one for you to see the difference since October 09 in my legs.

Here goes it guys :)

Thanks Tara, ur awesome at this splice stuff.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hey everyone,

Day by day I am getting braver and braver when it comes to posting progress pics. I am still too scared to post my before photos but I will in a few months I think. I have come a long way since October 09 and still have a way to go, but I will get there.

Attached is side chest picture taken tonight. Oh yeah, I have like no boobs, ha ha ha.

Let me know what you think.


PB's and a few pictures

Hi Everyone,

Once again it has been a very busy week. Did a few PB's at the gym on Friday, managed to use the 20kilo Dumb Bells for 5 reps on the lying down chest press. Went for 6 and the left arm just failed on me, lol.

Also did 50kg on the Bench Press for 4 Reps. So might try out my max bench this week.

Apart from that I have just been training, eating , working, sleeping and trying to be a good girl when it comes to eating. I had a 6 inch sub last night which was naughty and a multi grain sandwich today but hey we all have those days, so I'm not gonna beat myself up about it, just gonna get back on track for the rest of the day :)

I have attached a few pics (this is always a hard thing for me to do) Finally starting to see progress in the legs, they have lost ALOT of the flab, just working on building some muscle up now.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Phew what a Week!!!

Well last week the 19th of Jan saw me go back to work. Well actually 2 jobs, lol

So Army from 0700 - 1600 hrs each day Monday - Friday , and straight after that I would rush to the bathroom, have a quick shower, throw some mascara on and head to Fernwood Gym to work from 5pm til 8pm each day, and I worked on the Sat from 0745am til 1pm. All my weight training for the week was done at lunch time and cardio in the morning. All's it takes is a lil juggling and hey you can do it.

I have found working out at 12.30pm pretty darn good, I have had much more energy to go harder.

I eat throughout the day constantly at my desk anyway, so getting my meals in hasn't been a problem.

Apart from that I had a training session yesterday with the beautiful Vania Smith, she trained me on legs, and boy she trained me hard. It was great having someone there to push me hard. I did leg press yesterday which I don't do alot of and I leg pressed 240kilos for 8 reps. I was sweating after the session profusely and throughout of course and I staggered out the door ready to vomit, worst feeling ever, lol.

Today I have had a relaxing Australia Day, went and saw the movie Avatar for the 2nd time today.

Well have a great day everyone

Christina xxx

Friday, January 15, 2010

How I got here and my beloved trophy cabinet

So as some of you know, I have a background in Weightlifting. I competed as State and National level as a Olympic Weightlifter. For me, it was my passion. The adrenaline I would get being on the platform in front of a crowd was tremendous. There was nothing quite like it. There was always so much support, willing you to lift those weights up high in the air.

In 2004, I suffered a back injury, which pretty much saw me side lined. This was a big blow for me. I was the Number 1 ranked lifter for my weight and age category. I concentrated on my school studies and then joined the army at the end of 2005.

I still followed the results and friends who competed, but it upset me greatly that I couldn't be apart of it.

I continued to do general weight training, avoiding heavy back squats - from memory that was around 120-130 kilos back squats.

I missed competition and I was always interested in bodybuilding and figure competing. Being back on that stage would be a dream.

For me, I still have the medals and trophies. They are in my beloved cabinet. This cabinet is one of the most important things to me (some people may disagree, but this is my opinion, these medals and trophies hold precious memories for me). I miss being Number 1, I really do.

Attached are some pics of my medals for weightlifting and plaques etc.

I hope to make it in this new passion of mine and maybe one day I'll have another cabinet full of trophies and medals - but - THIS TIME it will be for Figure Comps.

Weaning myself off Atkins Protein Bars

So everyone has an addiction..... lol, well mine has been the Atkins protein bars, the chocolate decadence one, the orange choc one, the endulge atkins bars etc etc. They are also quite expensive (why have I been buying them)?

Well I have been having around 1 or 2 a day as a means to boost my calories :(

So I must wean myself off this processed food and replace with meat and green vegetables.

They taste so damn good as well :(

Anyway not much to report at the moment, just been training steadily and once again did my 45 mins of cardio this morning. This evening I will be working the legs - oww , always hurts, ha ha.

Anyway hope everyone is having a great week.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cardio , Chest and Shoulders and DOMS rears it's ugly head :)

Hi everyone,

So this morning I went to the gym nice and early and did my 45 mins of cardio on the bike. I then had around 2 hours of induction training for my new role as a member motivator at my gym. I will be working on Saturdays starting in a week's time :) Can't wait to start. Then went to the chiro, to get my back cracked and just about everything else cracked :)

So on the way home, I stopped to get some petrol and I forgot to take some snacks with me :( oh oh - who was a weakling and purchased a 20g Caramello Koala :( ME!!!!!!
So that kinda threw my carbs out for the day. I am admitting it though, and I know that is the best thing.

This afternoon went back to the gym and trained chest and shoulders - oh how I love training chest and shoulders, I think I could do push-ups to the sun comes home, def one of my fave exercises.

Trained really hard on chest and my chest was actually starting to hurt. :)

Other than that the DOMS from yesterday's leg session started to kick in this afternoon - Owwwww - it hurt ALOT walking up the stairs to the gym, haha.

Anyway not much else to report, apart from the caramello koala incident, it has been a pretty good day for food.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Legs Day and other tid bits

So went to the gym this morning and sat on the bike for 45 minutes. I then went to the post office and faxed off my nutrition assignment for my Cert 4 - yay

This afternoon hit the gyms for my legs session - boy I was sweating alot and the place is air con. Bumped up the weights today, see how the legs are tomorrow, if they are not hurting, I'll know that I didn't lift heavy enough.

Now as I was sitting on the bike this morning there was a pump class due in half hour, most of the class was there half an hour early, no instructor in sight at all. The ladies set up their weights and then proceeded to sit on their steps for half an hour - WHAT THE

There were about 15 free cardio machines in the gym ?????? Now is it just me, but when I used to go to classes, if I showed up early I would sit on a cardio machine until the class started - NOT SIT ON MY ARSE FOR HALF AN HOUR AND JUST WAIT FOR IT TO START

Ok my rant is over, but I see this time and time again. What a waste.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting crafty in the Kitchen

Ok - I am so proud of myself

I'm not much of a culinary master when it comes to the Kitchen :), so tonight the thought of boring ol chicken with no flavour was'nt gonna cut the mustard.

I came up with an idea - chicken thrown in the saucepan, cook for a few minutes, constantly stirring and tossing it, the last few minutes add some garlic and then a slice of bega tasty cheese. Toss it around a few more times and hey presto - I created something with flavour :)

Messing around taking pictures

So I was practicing poses in my room in front of the mirror and I got the other half to take a picture, so here it is , lol

I am getting there slowly :)

In other news - I think I have finally got my lats to switch on - YES!!!!

Weekend of Cardio

Well started off Sat with 1 hour of cardio - steady state, which was good because my legs were burning something fierce from my leg session on Friday.

Today another 1 hour of cardio - steady state again, mostly on the bike today and mixed it up with some walking on incline on the treddy.

Apart from that looking forward to the week ahead, although it is my last week of leave :(.

Looking forward to a week of heavy training, eating clean and staying mean , ha ha:)


Friday, January 8, 2010

I hope I will be able to walk in the morning

Started my day with 45 mins of steady state cardio. Then I had to go to the orthodontist, and I thought I was just getting my braces tightened, LIES.

My back teeth don't have brackets on them, so he put some on them and then replaced my wires, and I am in pain, It has royally screwed up my consumption of food, so just been eating soft foods such as eggs and chicken etc.

So I am under calories today, and I am in pain WAAAAAA. Ok the sook is over as my legs will be more painful in the morning. Sets of 50 on legs - enough said I think :)

Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and have a great weekend guys , I'll be doing cardio lol.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Inspiration in BLOG LAND and training

Wow, I am so full right now, but no bloated, lol.

I love this blog land that we have, the support from all the girls out there is amazing and it truly means the world to me. No one here is negative , they are there offering truly amazing advice. Tara also gets a special mention - having her to help me has been truly amazing, her wealth of knowledge, her confidence in me and all round she is such a down to earth person, no diva there people.

I hope to meet some of you lovely ladies at the comps this year, so far I am flying down to the IFBB Show in Caloundra in April, hopefully the IFBB in Melbourne in March to watch and of course the INBA in September. I'll have to check the contest calendar for others.

So this afternoon I trained back and delts. Had a really great session. I am so sore all over from my training this week, I have really been pushing myself.

Well time for me to hit the hay soon. Another big day in training and eating, off to see the chiro and get my braces tightened tomorrow :) FUN


Ketogenic and Cardio

Currently I am on a ketogenic diet, and for me it seems to work really well. I don't get that horrible bloated feeling when I eat carbs and I can eat cheese and still have plenty of protein in my diet.

Daily I try and keep my carbs below 20grams, which as you know is not a lot. Yesterday I managed to be around 15 grams of carbs.

Whenever I do cardio it is low intensity, keeping my heart rate between 120-130bpm.
This is to preserve muscle mass.

Anyway just thought I would let you know how I eat currently at 9 months out.
I have dropped weight after being steady at 67.5 for a month. I am now at 67kg which I am very happy with and have lost another 9 cm since last month. Hoping to be around 63kg by May which will mean I don't have to do anything crazily drastic prior to comp time.

I am looking forward to getting a beautiful bikini made by the wonderful Jo Rogers, her range is absolutely exquisite.

This afternoon it is back and rear delts day, whoop whoop. I love training this area as well :)

Well until then ciao ladies :)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Biceps and Triceps and cardio

This morning I started off with cardio. I had cardio on a bike which always hurts the hell out of my legs, but that is the area I want to target big time. I did a total of 45 minutes on the bike.

This afternoon hit the gym for Biceps and Tri's.
Session was as follows -
Straight Barbell Curls: 12.5kg x 12, 15kg x 12, 17.5kg x 10, 20kg x 8
Hammer Curl - 9kg x 12, 10kg x 12, 12.5kg x 8
Bench Dips - 3 sets of 12
Overhead Tricep extensions with dumbbell - 6kg x 12, 7kg x 10, 7kg x 10
Concentration Curls - 6kg x 10, 7kg x 8, 7kg x 8
Close Grip Bench on Smith Machine - 25kg x 12, 35kg x 12, 40kg x 8
Tricep Pull Downs - 10kg x 12, 15kg x 10, 15kg 10

At the end I did some tricep push-ups just to make it burn a bit more.

Anyway I have just had lamb cutlets and grilled chicken breast for dinner and I am soooo full. Got my calories up today which was good - hit 1712 calories. Below is my food values for today, to give you an idea where I am at with food.

Calories - 1712
Fat - 88.7g
Sat Fat - 47g
Protein - 209.4g
Carbohydrate - 14.6g
Sodium - 1209mg


Some pictures finally

So here are some pics from my very first posing session with Tara.
I finally plucked up the courage to put em on here, besides I'm going to be wearing next to nothing on stage in 9 months.

Attached is abs and thigh and rear double bicep, chest and relaxed pose. So I am busily practicing all my poses. Excuse the pasty skin, lol, I don't get much sun.

Currently working on building some decent muscle.

Talk this afternoon after my session.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Food, more food and training

Hey everyone,

So just got back from the gym. Trained legs today, they are still sore from Sat, but what the hell push through I say, gotta work these legs (my one area I hate and the inner thigh jiggles, grrr, hope they eventually come down) :(

So to the gym -
Warmed up with 5 minutes on the treadmill on 4.5 incline.
Started off with wide stance back squats - 35kg x 20, 45kg x 15, 45kg x 15
Romanian Deadlifts - 3 sets of 15 on 35 kilos
Lunge with one leg on bench - 3 sets of 12 each leg with 8 kilo dumb bells in hand
Reverse Lunges - 3 sets of 12 each leg with 6 kilo dumb bell in each hand
Leg Curl Seated - 25kg x 12, 35kg x 10, 40kg x 10

Those lunges off the bench really hurt, but I know its gonna help these stubborn thighs EVENTUALLY.

Straight after my session had my protein shake which is SLM Fat Metabolising 40grams with water (I have tasted ALOT of protein shakes and this is by far the yummiest)

About to have some lamb steaks for dinner with some broccoli.

On the food topic. With regards to cooking chicken and flavouring it - anyone have any advice as to what YOU put on ur chicken and how you cook it????


Anyway gotta eat, I am hungry.

Christina xx

Monday, January 4, 2010

So pumped right now !!!

Man I feel awesome, just finished my session at the gym. I was so into it, lifted heavier than I have before and just went for it. Got some compliments from one of the female trainers (told me my lats have built up and shoulders?, well that's the areas Tara has been making me work on so that my symmetry is good. So I am stoked with that.

So my session today is as follows :

Push-ups on toes with 2.5 kilo plate on back - 12 reps
Push-ups on toes with 5 kilo plate on back - 12 reps
Push-ups on toes with 5 kilo plate on back - 12 reps

Barbell Flat Bench Press (had to do it on smith machine today) 35kg x 12, 45kg x 9, 45kg x 10, 50kg x 5

DB Arnie Shoulder Press - 10kg x 12, 12.5kg x 10, 12.5kg x 10 (didn't have a spotter so couldn't go heavier

Lateral Raises - 6kg x 12, 7kg x 10, 8kg x 10, 7 kg x 10

Smith Machine Shoulder Press - 25kg x 12, 35kg x 8, 35kg x 8

Upright Barbell Delt Row - 20kg x 12, 25kg x 10, 25kg x 8, 27.5kg x 8

Felt so much stronger today in the gym. Had my yummy protein shake (SLM Musashi Fat Metabolising Shake mixed with 250mL water, so so yummy.

This morning I did my 45 mins low intensity cardio. Mixed it up between treadmill incline walking, cross trainer and bike.

Anyway hope everyone is training hard, its time for me to eat AGAIN :)


Sunday, January 3, 2010

People who criticise....

Hi everyone,

My legs and butt are still recovering from yesterday's session. Hit the gym this morning for some low intensity cardio on the cross trainer and treadmill for 45 mins followed by some posing practice.

Food has been better today, got my calories up today, not near where I am meant to be but closer. I am about 400 calories below where I should be, but on the bright side my macros are pretty much right.

So thought I would throw this one out there - I put on my FB page that I was excited about training hard tomorrow, and what is the first comment I get "You are very weird", and then "nut job", now the thing these people don't realise it that their negative comments actually spur me on to push myself harder and to eat cleaner and be BETTER.

I ask all you fitness girls out there have you had negative comments like this???

Well I am outta here to cruise the net further. Will blog tomorrow night after my weights session.

Have a great day.

Christina xx

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hi everyone,

Well I'm a lil sore to say the least, ha ha. But that is good as I know I actually worked during my session. So from now gonna up the weights and walk away from my sessions fatigued.

Went for my 45 min walk this afternoon, about half way in it started to pour down with rain but it was rather refreshing. :)

Well until tomorrow goodnight :)


Walking lunges hurt :)

So I slept in this morning because I could - gotta LOVE being on leave. Decided to do legs today as there were no gyms open up here yesterday.

Tara has recently done up a new program for me and started with legs today. Started off with barbell squats, did a set of 20 on 35 kilos, set of 15 on 45 kilos and set of 15 on 50 kilos. I then did plie squats with barbell, did 3 sets of 12, prob should have bumped up the weight here, did 22.5 kilos for these.

Next up walking lunges, a set of 40 with 10 kilo dumb bells each hand and I was feeling pretty crappy after that first set, my back side was hurting ALOT, haha, I then used 5 kilo dumb bells in each hand and did 2 more sets of 40 walking lunges.

I then did seated leg curls, first set was on 25 kilos, second set on 30 kilos and third set on 35 kilos, reps ranging from 12 to 8 for the last set.

I then did Butt Bridges on the Swiss Ball for 3 sets of 20 and by gosh this exercise bloody hurts, owwww.

Needless to say a few times during the walking lunges I was feeling pretty nauseous - WHAT THE??? ha ha

Other than that the day has been going well for food and I have not put on any weight over the Christmas / New Year period which I am happy with.

This arvo will be heading out for a 45 min walk to relax and ease the soreness I am feeling in my butt ha ha.

Talk soon


Friday, January 1, 2010

The first day of 2010

Ah woke up absolutely refreshed after my flight back to Darwin yesterday. How did I spend New Years? - going to bed at 10pm - lol. I really needed the sleep.

Anyway I have just had my egg whites with cheese for brekky and it is my absolute fave to eat - yummy.

I have just been reading Tara's blog this morning and she has passed on the Beautiful Blogger Award to me.

I must now share seven things about myself and pass it on to seven other bloggers.

1. I joined the Australian Regular Army in 2005 when I was 17.
2. I was lactose intolerant as a baby
3. I was a tomboy when I was a child and had a penchant for wearing colourful vests and hair bands as anklets.
4. I am absolutely terrified of green tree frogs
5. The smell of the yolk of an egg makes me puke (yuck)
6. I am addicted to reality tv shows such as - Playboy Mansion, Keeping up with the Kardashians, My Super Sweet 16 etc etc.
7. I got braces put on in September last year.

Wow, that was kinda hard to think of 7 things without going into the overshare territory ha ha :)

Apart from that looking at having a good day for eating and will have to ring and check if the gym is open, not sure if it is since its New Years Day and all.

Talk soon (oh almost forgot I have to choose 7 other bloggers to share 7 things about themselves - ok here goes

- Bluegirl
- Krissa
- Hannah
- Laynie Kelly
- Shaboom
- Chelle
