
Certificate 3 in Fitness
Senior First Aid Certificate
Fitness Australia Registration
Currently studying Certificate 4 in Fitness

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shoulders - and a great day of eating

Wow, so today I woke with new enthusiasm and started off the day with my eggy oats with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nom nom.

Today I trained shoulders and will be capping that off with some cardio early this evening :)

The food is all ready and I have downed the first lot of beans, rice and fish. Chicken for the rest of the day with more beans.

Today I feel focused and my food the best its ever been :)

Tomorrow is another day and I'm going to approach it head first and stay focused.

It's 20 weeks and it's time to shed those excess kilos :) I am so excited to wear the Bikini Jo is creating for me as well :)

Must practice practice posing as well. Soo much to do. I have even begun prepping a comp kit hahaha. I like to be organised and ready (ah the control freak in me) lol

Chat soon

1 comment:

  1. How exciting missy! The next 20weeks will fly by!! Looking forward to seeing you on stage are you heading to watch Tara at the southerns??? Will be there more then likly! Train Hard, Eat clean and enjoy the ride : )
