
Certificate 3 in Fitness
Senior First Aid Certificate
Fitness Australia Registration
Currently studying Certificate 4 in Fitness

Friday, January 8, 2010

I hope I will be able to walk in the morning

Started my day with 45 mins of steady state cardio. Then I had to go to the orthodontist, and I thought I was just getting my braces tightened, LIES.

My back teeth don't have brackets on them, so he put some on them and then replaced my wires, and I am in pain, It has royally screwed up my consumption of food, so just been eating soft foods such as eggs and chicken etc.

So I am under calories today, and I am in pain WAAAAAA. Ok the sook is over as my legs will be more painful in the morning. Sets of 50 on legs - enough said I think :)

Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and have a great weekend guys , I'll be doing cardio lol.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Christina, just been catching up on your posts for the week. Looks like you have had an intense week. Great training!

    You asked me last week if I have competed....no I haven't but I am taking the plunge this year, just like you. I too am looking at the comp in Brissy like you. Just depends on what my trainer says.

    Anyway, hope the mouth feels better soon and have a great weekend!
